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    Premiile Hugo: nominalizarile

    Ieri seara in jurul orei 23.30 s-au anunțat nominalizarile la premiile Hugo. Iata lista, așa cum apare ea in Locus Online:

    BEST NOVEL: Leviathan Wakes, James S.A. Corey (Orbit US; Orbit UK); Deadline, Mira Grant (Orbit US; Orbit UK); A Dance with Dragons, George R.R. Martin (Bantam; Harper Voyager UK); Embassytown, China Mieville (Del Rey; Macmillan); Among Others, Jo Walton (Tor).

    BEST NOVELLA: ‘‘The Ice Owl’’, Carolyn Ives Gilman (F&SF 10-11/11); ‘‘Countdown’’, Mira Grant (Orbit Short Fiction); ‘‘The Man Who Bridged the Mist’’, Kij Johnson (Asimov’s 10-11/11); ‘‘Kiss Me Twice’’, Mary Robinette Kowal (Asimov’s 6/11); ‘‘The Man Who Ended History: A Documentary’’, Ken Liu (Panverse Three); Silently and Very Fast, Catherynne M. Valente (WSFA).

    BEST NOVELETTE: ‘‘Six Months, Three Days’’, Charlie Jane Anders ( 6/8/11); ‘‘The Copenhagen Interpretation’’, Paul Cornell (Asimov’s 7/11); ‘‘What We Found’’, Geoff Ryman (F&SF 9-10/11); ‘‘Fields of Gold’’, Rachel Swirsky (Eclipse Four); ‘‘Ray of Light’’, Brad R. Torgersen (Analog 12/11).

    BEST SHORT STORY: ‘‘Movement’’, Nancy Fulda (Asimov’s 3/11); ‘‘The Paper Menagerie’’, Ken Liu (F&SF 3-4/11); ‘‘The Homecoming’’, Mike Resnick (Asimov’s 4-5/11); ‘‘Shadow War of the Night Dragons, Book One: The Dead City (Prologue)’’, John Scalzi ( 4/1/11); ‘‘The Cartographer Wasps and the Anarchist Bees’’, E. Lily Yu (Clarkesworld 4/11).

    BEST RELATED WORK: The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, Third Edition, John Clute, David Langford, Peter Nicholls & Graham Sleight, eds. (Gollancz); Jar Jar Binks Must Die… and Other Observations about Science Fiction Movies, Daniel M. Kimmel (Fantastic Books); Wicked Girls, Seanan McGuire; Writing Excuses, Season 6, Brandon Sanderson, Dan Wells, Howard Tayler, Mary Robinette Kowal, & Jordan Sanderson; The Steampunk Bible, Jeff VanderMeer & S.J. Chambers (Abrams)

    BEST GRAPHIC STORY: The Unwritten, Vol. 2: Leviathan, Mike Carey, art by Peter Gross (Vertigo); Locke & Key, Vol. 4: Keys To The Kingdom, Joe Hill, art by Gabriel Rodriguez (IDW Publishing); Schlock Mercenary: Force Multiplication, Howard Tayler, colors by Travis Walton (; Digger, Ursula Vernon (; Fables, Vol. 15: Rose Red, Bill Willingham & Mark Buckingham (Vertigo).

    BEST DRAMATIC PRESENTATION – LONG: Captain America: The First Avenger; Game of Thrones: Season 1; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2; Hugo; Source Code.

    BEST DRAMATIC PRESENTATION – SHORT: Community: ‘‘Remedial Chaos Theory’’; ‘‘The Drink Tank’s Hugo Acceptance Speech’’, Christopher J Garcia & James Bacon (Renovation); Doctor Who: ‘‘The Doctor’s Wife’’; Doctor Who: ‘‘The Girl Who Waited’’; Doctor Who: ‘‘A Good Man Goes to War’’.

    BEST PROFESSIONAL EDITOR LONG FORM: Lou Anders; Liz Gorinsky; Anne Lesley Groell; Patrick Nielsen Hayden; Betsy Wollheim.

    BEST PROFESSIONAL EDITOR SHORT FORM: John Joseph Adams; Neil Clarke; Stanley Schmidt; Jonathan Strahan; Sheila Williams.

    BEST PROFESSIONAL ARTIST: Daniel Dos Santos; Bob Eggleton; Michael Komarck; Stephan Martiniere; John Picacio.

    BEST SEMIPROZINE: Apex Magazine; Interzone; Lightspeed; Locus; The New York Review of Science Fiction.

    BEST FANZINE: Banana Wings; The Drink Tank; File 770; Journey Planet; SF Signal.

    BEST FANCAST: The Coode Street Podcast; Galactic Suburbia Podcast; SF Signal Podcast; SF Squeecast; StarShipSofa

    BEST FAN WRITER: James Bacon; Claire Brialey; Christopher J Garcia; Jim C. Hines; Steven H Silver.

    BEST FAN ARTIST: Randall Munroe; Spring Schoenhuth; Maurine Starkey; Steve Stiles; Taral Wayne.

    Premiul JOHN W. CAMPBELL pentru debut: Mur Lafferty; Stina Leicht; Karen Lord; Brad R. Torgersen; E. Lily Yu

    Cei care au votat aceste nominalizari au fost membrii platitori de la Worldcon-ul de anul acesta (Chicon 7) si anul trecut (Renovation). In total au fost 1101 voturi valabil exprimate. Nominalizarile astfel stabilite sint supuse la vot, avind dreptul sa se exprime aceiasi votanti, in scris sau online, pina la 31 iulie la miezul noptii. Premiile Hugo vor fi decernate pe 2 septembrie in cadrul conventiei Chicon 7, cea de-a saptezecea conventie mondiala (Worldcon), care va avea loc la Chicago (Illinois), intre 30 august si 3 septembrie.


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